Sunday, July 29, 2007

Taking Care of Business

This has been my most productive weekend like, ever. I accomplished quite a bit yesterday, and I have a whole nother day! Perhaps I'll be able to carve out a couple of minutes today to learn some spelling and grammar.

A short list of what I got done:

1. I organized my yarn stash into spiffy little baskets (no small feat)

2. I got caught up to where I had been before I had to rip out part of the Dalek

3. I made 85% (!) of a piglet from Toy Knits

4. I made a caramel toffee crunch cheesecake

5. I made caramel sauce for the cheesecake from scratch!! I was so proud of this, because I've heard that it's hard to make caramel. It's not, and it turned out perfect - way better than just melting a bunch of those little caramel candies, and less messy.

6. I downloaded about a gazillion mods for The Sims 2 (Including a Sim house that looks like a giant toilet. You would not believe how much time some people have on their hands.)

7. Um, I guess that's about it

Here's the cheesecake:

It got a little dark on the top (this is a common theme in things that I bake, in case you haven't noticed) and there is quite the fault line in the middle of it. The cake itself tasted pretty good, not burnt at all, but a little dry for a cheesecake. The recipe called for you to put the cake in a roasting pan half-filled with hot water while you were baking it. I don't have a roasting pan. I couldn't find anything anywhere to tell me why I should do this. So I didn't do it. That may be why it was dry, I don't know. Also, my oven cooks hotter than it's supposed to - most cheesecake recipes call for you to bake the cake for over an hour, but I can't go more than 45 minutes or it turns out to be a giant, slightly edible paperweight. I did try out a tip from my Sister-in-Law the Caterer - she bakes the cheesecake for slightly less than the time specified in the recipe, and then turns the oven off and leaves the cheesecake in the oven for an hour. However, since I baked this one a little too long anyway, I don't think that it helped in this case. Oh, well, there's always next time.

On today's agenda:
Finish the piggy
The new Vogue Knitting magazine!

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