Saturday, June 23, 2007

I actually finished something!!

It's been quite a while, but I did it! I completed a project! As you may or may not have noticed, I have a lot of things going but only a few FO's. Usually I make it to the part where it says "work in SS for 55 1/2 inches" and lose interest somewhere around inch 4.

I present, for your viewing pleasure, My First Pair of Socks!

I've had one of them finished for about a year now, but I was distracted by a shiny object and never it past the ankle on the second one. Yes, they are different colors, and have a different pattern. I knew I was only going to wear these socks in my house on cold winter evenings, so I experimented. They're worsted weight (not suited to warmish weather or shoes), Lion Brand Wool, pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks. Incidentally, one of the things that spurred me to finish them was that I picked up More Sensational Knitted Socks, despite the fact that I had never actually finished anything from the original.

On a slightly unrelated note, when I was searching for the link to the book, I thought maybe I could link directly to the author's website or publisher's page, because I know from my dear M-i-L that authors make more money per book that way than they do from So, I did a search and found a link to this. Hmm. That's a long list of corrections.

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