Sunday, July 1, 2007

New and Improved?

I've decided to add a new section. I'd first like to say that I am not in any way a "homemaker" type. My house is not spotless, my husband does not have a home cooked meal waiting for him every evening at precisely 6:00, and I don't do laundry. Based on some of my hobbies, you wouldn't be able to tell. In addition to knitting, I also really like to bake. (If you hear the sound of maniacal "I told you so!!!" laughter, it means my mother found out.) I'm not very good at reading directions, so there will be much to laugh at. I'm going to put up some recipes that I have made or am going to try, and probably pictures and stuff. Most of the recipes that I use come from the internet, so I'll just link right to 'em and you can try them out, too! Yay!

I'm also probably going to be changing the name of the blog, mostly because when LomL asks me if I'm ready to go somewhere and I'm knitting, I feel like a retard saying .... well, you know.

Anyway. Last week, a girl I work with brought in some banana bread from the grocery store, and it made me want to bake a loaf of my own. Remember how I told you there would be lots to laugh at in this new section? Get ready. The bread pan that I used was smaller than the one the recipe called for. I did not compensate for this by using less batter. Ten minutes after the pan was in the oven, we noticed the burning smell, which was of course caused by globs of batter spilling out of the pan and falling to the bottom of the oven. Then, I did one of the smartest things I've ever done in my life (rivaled only by the time I put my palm directly on a burner turned to "high." Oh, and maybe the time I used my finger to wipe cranberry carmel sauce off of a candy thermometer registering 245 degrees. Then, there was the time ... ok, I'll save some for later) - I took several paper towels and tried to wipe the batter off the coil at the bottom of the oven. Not surprisingly, they caught on fire. Surprisingly, I did not. In the end, the bread turned out almost quite lovely. The top is a little ... umm ... hard and sticky? But the bread is very moist and soft. I've actually been to depressed to try any, but it LOOKS excellent:

Doing a little more research, I found another recipe that included bananas and one of my favorite things, rum! I've made about 20 of the 60 puffs that the recipe's supposed to make, so I'll let you know how they turn out when I'm done. Assuming I don't have third degree burns.

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