Friday, October 5, 2007

New Book

I have before me a copy of "Knitted Animals" by Anne-Dorthe Grigaff. The book itself is very small, and I definitely wouldn't have paid $30 for it based on its size. (Oops, I guess I kind of judged a book by its cover.) The animals are really adorable, though. The patterns are very simple, geared toward kids around 7-8 years old. Most of them are just one or two knitted squares folded and sewn together in clever ways. I appreciate that the author isn't tied to one brand of yarn, or really any brand of yarn at all. For example, to make the mother duck and ducklings, you only need "Duck-colored yarn." The most specific she gets is to say a type of yarn, like angora or mohair. She does get rather specific when giving instructions for finishing the animal, which I think a lot of books pass over. The two patterns that I can't wait to try are Peter the Hedgehog, (because really, how many hedgehog patterns have you ever seen?) and the Growly Bear with Big Heavy Paws. So, an adorable book, and if you can find a cheaper copy, all the better. (BTW, this is an import from Denmark, which might explain the price.)

**Edit** Something that could be important, but might not - while the author is very flexible about what yarn you can use, she (with a few exceptions) fails to mention how much yarn you should use. It looks like one 100g ball should be more than enough for most of the projects, but it's still something to keep in mind.

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