Friday, June 6, 2008


I've been neglecting my blog. I wonder if I've been kicked out of the Midwest Knitter's blogring yet ........

I really haven't been knitting or baking or much of anything lately. I did make the fabulous chocolate Irish cream cake and it was very, very good. I wasn't able to beat the cake mix to the desired fluffiness, so after two failed attempts I went to the store and bought a Betty Crocker chocolate cake mix instead. My mom is theoretically buying me a KitchenAid hand mixer, though, so I'm going to try it again .... right after it stops costing me $45 to fill up my gas tank (yes, I realize that $45 isn't really all that much compared to what some people have to pay - and to you I say, well, you were the genius who decided to buy that Suburban, weren't you?).

I am taking a break from cheesecakes as well, because of the cost. My husband pointed out to me last week that I could make two cheesecakes, or I could buy Lego Indiana Jones. Or I could start charging my friends and family for the privilege of eating my baked goods ..... The last cheesecake that I made was a huge hit, though. I made a Mai Tai cheesecake for my friend's bridal shower. One girl ate THREE pieces, saying that it was so good that she couldn't resist, all the while clutching her stomach and groaning. Pain in the name of cheesecake! If that doesn't boost the old ego, I don't know what does.

I got a Wii! Yay. I went to Phoenix for my niece's high school graduation, and made my brother take me to Wal-Mart before he dropped me off at the airport. I bought Super Mario Galaxy, which is awesome and fun and cute, and my hubby and I downloaded a bunch of Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and N64 games. Mario has taken over my knitting time. :-( But I am going to make this for my brother-in-law's girlfriend. It'll be great!

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