Saturday, November 10, 2007

Guy Fawkes

As it does every year, this year my birthday fell on Guy Fawkes Day. I got quite a good haul, for being 26. Jason gave me the complete Star Trek: The Original Series, so I have all the Shat I can handle. My manager at work, who has spent the past 6 months being scandalized because I don't have a slow cooker, bought me ... a slow cooker! I've used it twice, to varying effect. The first time, the recipe for some reason had about a cup of juice in it, so of course at the end of the cooking time, it was all blackened and stuck to the bottom of the crock pot ... er, slow cooker. Right now, I'm making a chicken curry dish of sorts, with potatos and veggies. I think that it could have used some rice, but maybe not because of the potatos? I don't know. Anyway, I purchased "101 Things to do with a Slow Cooker" today, and it has some fun-looking recipes, including Holiday Wasail and Lemon Custard Cake.

I finally ordered "Folk Socks" by Nancy Bush, as our trip to her yarn store in Salt Lake City was thwarted by my dad being grievously injured at work two days before we left Fargo. (Long story short, some heavy machinery that he was using malfunctioned, and both of his legs and feet were broken in about 5 different places, in addition to his heel being crushed. He's doing well, awaiting the removal of the pin in the bottom of his heel so he can start learning to walk again. So instead of wandering around Salt Lake, we drove 5 hours one way to my hometown to see him.) Anyway. I have half of the cuff done on the Highland Schottische Kilt Hose, using my Knit Picks Essential in Burgundy.

Last, I have a Moogle head! The body will come later, as I am using the needles on the Kilt Hose. Jason and I decided that if we do have a kid, it is going to be a Moogle. They're so much easier to take care of!

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